All prices you see advertised on our website are inclusive of VAT at the current rate. The Room Hire price includes the exclusive use of the room from 7:30pm until closing (3:30am on weekdays, 5am on Fridays & Saturdays) and the use of facilities provided inside the room that comes as standard. Food and drinks are not included in the Room Hire price and must be paid for separately as ordered or requested.
Private party rooms are booked and allocated according to expected party size and room capacity. If your party size decreases, the full room hire fee for your booked room will still apply. Should your party size increase and exceed the room’s maximum capacity, you will be required to upgrade into a room suitable for your party size, subject to availability, and cover the difference in room hire.
We strictly forbid the selling on of our room hires at an increased price by any third party. In such cases, bookings will be automatically voided with no refund given.